Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hugglets 2012

Best of luck to all trading and visiting Hugglets today, so wish I was there, at least some of my creations get to go this year!!
All 5 new pieces should be listed on Silly Bears website shortly, unfortunately you will not see any of them on my website or blog as my computer decided to end it's days with me early in the week with all my files and photos along with it. I am hoping everything can be saved and loaded onto a brand new system I've had to purchase, and should be ready next week sometime. Until then I am stuck using my Hubby's laptop, thank goodness he had one!!!!!
Silly Bears website link is in an earlier post below if you would like to see some more photos of the new creations :o)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Silly Bears Exclusives - Sorry We are all Sold!

Sorry we are all Sold
Five brand new pieces created exclusively for Silly Bears in the UK.They will available for sale on the 26th February 2012, please visit Silly Bears website for more details.